National Conference DVDs


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Conference DVD – Contents

Below you will find a partial contents list of each DVD set.

2018 Plenary- Evangelism and Discipleship

  • Ken Yates: Faith without Works Is Dead: Did James Use Lousy Illustrations? (Jas 2:17, 20, 26)
  • Steve Thurman: Free Grace Is the 1st Fundamental of Discipleship
  • David Janssen: What Is a Carnal Christian and What Do I Do If I Am One?
  • Lucas Kitchen: Event vs Process: A Big Difference
  • Bob Wilkin: Future Final Salvation = Works Salvation
  • Tony Evans: Kingdom Disciples
  • Shawn Lazar: Who You Are Tells You Who to Love
  • Donnie Preslar: Continuous Faith Is Not Required for Eternal Life
  • Bob Bryant: That Critical Split Second in Abraham’s Life
  • Wes Spradley: The Key to Unlock the Four Soils Is God’s Word (Luke 8:5-18)
  • Philippe Sterling: The Role of Rapture Teaching in Discipleship
  • John Niemelä: Denying Christ—Salvation or Discipleship Issue?
  • Bob Wilkin: God’s Word Is Unhindered (Acts 28:17-31)

2017 Plenary- Salvation and Discipleship

  • Tommy Ice: What Is the Evidence for the Pre-Trib Rapture and What Difference Does It Make?
  • Bob Wilkin: Jesus Rules: the Message of the Bible
  • Wes Spradley: Jesus Is a Pre-Tribber (Matt 24:36-44) 
  • John Claeys: “Critically Important to Free-Grace Theology: A Proper Grasp of Matt 25:31-46”
  • Bob Bryant: The People of the Apocalypse
  • Ken Yates: Is Temporal Judgment Coming Soon (Luke 13:1-5)?
  • John Niemelä:Israel’s National Repentance: Ushering in the Kingdom
  • Tommy Ice:An Overview of the History of the Teaching About the Rapture
  • Bob Wilkin:The Parable of the Faithful and Evil Servant (Matt 24:45-51): A Somber Warning

2016 Plenary – John

  • Ken Yates: Lessons from the Woman Caught in Adultery, John 7:53-8:12
  • Shawn Lazar: The Gospel of the Kingdom
  • Bob Wilkin: The Message of Life in John and the Rest of the NT
  • Bob Wilkin: Why is Discipleship Material in John if it is Primarily Evangelistic
  • Gary Derickson: Fruit Proves Abiding, Not Life
  • Steve Lewis: The Message of Life: Genesis to Revelation
  • Ken Yates: The Secret Believer Motif in the Gospel of John
  • John Niemelä: Is John Believable when he says People Believed?
  • David Janssen: The Truth Will Set You Free
  • Geoff Stevens: Love and Wrath in John’s Gospel

2014 Plenary – Romans

  • JB Bond: The Big Picture in Romans
  • David Allen: The Warning Passages in Hebrews Warn of Loss of Rewards
  • Bob Wilkin: Free From Indwelling Sin Rom 8:1-13
  • John Niemelä: The Golden Chain of Christ’s Co-Heirs
  • Jeremy Edmondson: Texas is Too Safe Rom 15:14-21
  • Ken Yates: Affliction in Romans
  • Shawn Lazar: The Objective Theory of the Atonement
  • Bob Bryant: The Supernatural Life Romans 7–8
  • Rene Lopez: Does Romans 9 Teach Calvinistic Election?
  • Bob Wilkin: Salvation in Romans

2013 Plenary – Sanctification

  • Bob Wilkin: Zane’s Deserted Island Illustration Revisited
  • Bob Bryant: Jesus, Full of Grace and Truth John 1:14
  • Steve Lewis: Areas of Subjectivity in the Decision Making of Believers
  • Elliott Johnson: What I learned from Zane Hodges about Sanctification
  • Tony Evans: The Process of Spiritual Transformation
  • Ken Yates: Sanctification and Church Discipline
  • Jody Dillow: God’s Righteousness and Messianic Salvation in Rom 10
  • Jeremy Edmondson: Biblical Ecclesiology in a Post-Modern Age
  • John Niemelä: The Truth Will Set You Free John 8:30-32

2012 Plenary – Free Grace and Eschatology

  • Bob Wilkin: Another Look at 1 Cor 3:5-15
  • Jody Dillow: Treasures in Heaven: A Vital Biblical Teaching
  • Steve Lewis: The Bride of Christ
  • John Niemelä: “Those Who Have Done Good” in John 5:29
  • Stan Toussaint: The Kingdom Is Not Already
  • Roger Lamfers: What the GES Conference Has Meant to Me
  • Bob Wilkin: Two Judgments and Four Types of People (Luke 19:11-27)
  • Panel Discussion: Eschatology and Free Grace – Jody Dillow, Steve Lewis, Philippe Sterling, Ken Yates
  • John Niemelä: Acts 1:8 Reconsidered
  • Ken Hornok: Guidance Principles
  • Bob Wilkin: Worthy to Suffer Shame

2011 Plenary – Proclaiming the Kingdom of God: The Message of the Book of Acts

  • Bob Bryant: Surprising Purpose of Acts
  • Steve Lewis: Irresistible Grace?
  • Jody Dillow: Rewards & Motivation
  • J. B. Bond: Paul and the Philippian Jailer
  • Dan Hauge: Acts 2:38, The Right Way?
  • Paul Tanner: James Quotes of Amos 9
  • Ken White: The Object of Saving Faith
  • Ken Yates: The New Perspective on Paul
  • Earl Radmacher: Great Commission?
  • John Niemelä: Acts 1:8 Reconsidered
  • Rene Lopez: Rulership in Hebrews 1-3
  • Bob Wilkin: That the Day of Christ is the Bema is a Big Deal

2010 Plenary – Aim to Be Christ’s Partner in the Life to Come: The Message of the Book of Hebrews

  • Evangelism Panel
  • Wilkin – Eternal Salvation by Works
  • Dillow – Hebrews 11, Faith at Work
  • Nichols – The Forgotten Sanctuary
  • Wilkin – The Better Resurrection
  • Niemela – Holy Enough to See God?
  • Swift – The Beauty of John’s Prologue
  • Hauge – Missing Church
  • Lewis – Hell? No!
  • Bryant – The Biblically Prophesied Future of Free Grace
  • Wilkin – Being Christ’s Partners
  • Wilkin – Obey Those Who Rule Over You

2010 Workshop

  • Lopez – Inheritance in Hebrews Requires Perseverance
  • Carpenter – Impossible to Renew to Repentance?
  • Janssen – Discovering Hebrews for Yourself
  • Pattillo – Free Grace Theology for Beginners
  • Niemela – Forgiveness, Propitiation, and Life
  • Niemela – Implications of Assigning Wrong Authorship
  • Bond – How Heavenly Beings Should Think About Jesus
  • Lewis – Overview of Church History

2009 Workshop – The Cross and the Resurrection

    • Rene Lopez, “Assurance: An Essential Ingredient in Christianity”
    • Lon Gregg, “The Thief-ologian on the Cross: Profound Wisdom from Luke 23:42”
    • Bob Wilkin, “Benefits of Christ’s Blood: Restricted & Unrestricted”
    • J. B. Bond, “What If Jesus Didn’t Rise from the Dead?”
    • Steve Lewis, “The Issue of Assurance in Church History”
    • Bob Bryant “The Search for the Saving Message in Acts through Revelation”
    • Bob Vacendak, “The Feel-Good Gospel of the Emerging Church”
    • Bob Wilkin, “An Evaluation of the Four, Five, or Six Essentials”

2007 Plenary – Perseverance in Perspective

      • Wilkin-Pied Piper
      • Bond-Four Keys
      • Hodges-John 4
      • Lopez-Gift Faith
      • Wilkin-Postmodernism
      • Hodges-Law and Grace

2006 Plenary

      • Wilkin-The Current State
      • Fisher-Next Generation
      • Hodges-Propitiation
      • Oberholtzer-Grace is Sufficient
      • Bryant-Eternal Security
      • Tanner-Heb 10:26-31
      • Hodges-Saved or State of Grace?
      • Wilkin-Trust vs. Belief
      • Ryrie-Power
      • Yates-Sons of God

2005 Plenary

    • Anderson – Sense and Sensibility
    • Bond – Spreading the Clear Message
    • Evans – Poinson in the Pot
    • Hodges – The Moralistic Wrath-Dodger
    • Hodges – Once Again James 2
    • Johnson – The Scripture’s Call to Partnership
    • Makidon – Reclaiming Truth in a World of Distraction
    • Wilkin – The Current State of Grace
    • Wilkin – Beware of Confusion about Faith
    • Wilkin – Beware of Confusion about Assurance
    • Wilkin – Justification by Faith Alone

Additional information

Weight .6875 lbs
Dimensions 7 × 6.5 × 1 in